Saturday, January 23, 2016

11 Months Old

I'm late posting this from last month =(   with our traveling I didn't get Brooke's 11 month pic taken on time, and then once we were home I was getting ready for a birthday party!  (Those pics are coming soon...) But regardless, here's my baby girl's 11 month update  =) 

Brooke brings SUCH joy to our home - from her funny faces to the way she mimicks her big sister. Daddy loves the way she belly laughs when he tickles her and I love the way she gets giddy every time I open her nursery door to get her out of the crib! We just adore her...

At 11 Months Old, Brooke: 
  • walks while holding onto things like furniture or the coffee table - even stands without holding onto anything for a few seconds!
  • crawls with crazy speed up the stairs - we're still working on coming back down carefully  =)
  • is getting more picky about foods.  She still likes her favorites, but isn't as willing to eat anything we give her now
  • favorite foods are now BANANAS (she went from hating them to loving them!), macaroni and cheese and strawberry yogurt 
  • wants to be wherever the party is - don't bother giving her a toy to play alone with if there's anyone nearby... she'll always come to find you!
  • says Dada a lot, and baba (bottle) too - still working on Mama
  • has a total of 8 teeth now! She basically went from 2 to 8 in a few weeks time

Love that belly!

Very serious about her crackers

The Elton John look

Her cute butterfly ears are perfect for holding crowns 

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